The Coronavirus Scare

Opinion | In January 2020 a new strand of Coronavirus was found in the city of Wuhan, China. The virus causes a disease in humans termed as COVID-19. The symptoms for the disease are generally mild but can get severe, mostly in elderly people. The virus doesn’t get its severity or deadliness from its symptoms, they cause a bit of agony for sure, but it gets it from the rate by which it spreads. The coronavirus is highly contagious and spreads at a far greater rate than the Influenza which makes it that more deadly. The threat is not from the treatability perspective of the virus but is from large number of patients asking for the treatment at the same time. When a large portion of a country's population falls sick at the same time, no matter how efficient it's healthcare system is, it crumbles in some point of time. An overwhelmed healthcare system has to choose between patients who get treatment. This is really a sad and scary situation for us as well as ...