
My Journey Of Faith

F or 18 years of my life I have been a Catholic. Born and raised in a middle-class Catholic family, as a kid I took pride in my religion. Let’s be honest, compared to the options I had here in India, birth in a western religion saved me from far greater embarrassing things others were doing and following. Plus, it was “cool” being a Christian, until I realized that it’s not. If other  religions were a sham and people their worshiped false gods, mine wasn’t following any truer or believable god. My family and the church raised me by comparing our god to the other less believable gods, strengthening my faith in process. My 10-year-old brain was convinced about existence of the god, and was too afraid to think that there isn’t one. And most importantly, my god didn’t mind me eating a steak or a pork chop, which obviously made my Christian god the true god.   But apart from few phases of either extensive brain washing or a tough heart break, my religion even with all the liber...

The Media Distaste

Opinion | There is rapid increase in popularity of IGTV and Youtube creators whose entire gimmick is to take offence on any trivial incident and abuse the person they deem responsible. The new genre led by likes of “Hindustani bhau” is increasingly becoming popular and encouraging others to step in and to curse there hearts out on social media. The then joy of watching someone abuse a person which most of us hate or don’t care of, is fun initially. But makes me wonder, have we reached a point where just someone cursing makes the content watchable? And why such genre even exists in our country in which hate and vulgarity are sold causally? Initially these videos were targeted mostly on Pakistani’s, which were watched and shared as generic video of Pakistani hate we all have been collectively sharing for decades. With all the views, likes and attention, these “creators” started looking for material within the country and it wasn’t hard to fetch. The material 14.2% + of India wa...

The Coronavirus Scare

Opinion | In January 2020 a new strand of Coronavirus was found in the city of Wuhan, China. The virus causes a disease in humans termed as COVID-19. The symptoms for the disease are generally mild but can get severe, mostly in elderly people. The virus doesn’t get its severity or deadliness from its symptoms, they cause a bit of agony for sure, but it gets it from the rate by which it spreads.   The coronavirus is highly contagious and spreads at a far greater rate than the Influenza which makes it that more deadly. The threat is not from the treatability perspective of the virus but is from large number of patients asking for the treatment at the same time. When a large portion of a country's population falls sick at the same time, no matter how efficient it's healthcare system is, it crumbles in some point of time. An overwhelmed healthcare system has to choose between patients who get treatment. This is really a sad and scary situation for us as well as ...

Racist Side Of Ramayana

Opinion | Now  now  before you Hindu extremists start getting all offensive in the comments, just hear me out. Ramayana might be the earliest piece of racism ever recorded and I have all the logical evidence to support my theory. I by no means intend to undermine the epic but if I did so in the process, well I just couldn’t help it.   To those who don’t know, Ramayana is one of the two great ancient Indian epics and the establishment of Hinduism as a religion was believed to have took place after the events following it. To many Ramayana is the symbolism of way of life, and a reason to riot for others (topic for another day).    The short story of Ramayana goes like this. There’s a king in  Ayodhya  believed to be situated in the present-day state of Utter Pradesh in north India. One of his sons was Lord Rama. Rama basically won Princess Sita and married her. Rama was all set to be crowned the next king but was sent away on a  V...