My Journey Of Faith

F or 18 years of my life I have been a Catholic. Born and raised in a middle-class Catholic family, as a kid I took pride in my religion. Let’s be honest, compared to the options I had here in India, birth in a western religion saved me from far greater embarrassing things others were doing and following. Plus, it was “cool” being a Christian, until I realized that it’s not. If other religions were a sham and people their worshiped false gods, mine wasn’t following any truer or believable god. My family and the church raised me by comparing our god to the other less believable gods, strengthening my faith in process. My 10-year-old brain was convinced about existence of the god, and was too afraid to think that there isn’t one. And most importantly, my god didn’t mind me eating a steak or a pork chop, which obviously made my Christian god the true god. But apart from few phases of either extensive brain washing or a tough heart break, my religion even with all the liber...